MCDC Mixer in Troy

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Hooray! We finally, officially said goodbye to winter and “Hello” to spring these last few weeks which gave us good reason to celebrate.

Mike Ufford, Jack Johnson and the rest of the MCDC staff held a mixer at Bahama Breeze in Troy this month and welcomed spring. It was another reason to throw a fantastic party for you; our lending partners. Everyone came out for food, beverages, networking and to hear about the new and exciting projects that you’re working on.

MCDC hosts mixers throughout the state, so come on out to the next one, we’ll make it worth your while. Additionally if you partner with us, it will secure an invitation to our Annual MCDC Lender Appreciation Golf Outing, where everyone gets a door prize and you have the chance to win $25,000 for a Hole-In-One.
